On the morning of October 7, dozens of terrorists invaded the kibbutz. They entered our homes and slaughtered, murdered, kidnapped, tortured, looted, and burned everything in their path. Turning the piece of paradise that is Nirim into a battlefield and its green pastures into scorched fields.

We were evacuated from our homes and became refugees in our country. The kibbutz was declared a closed military area, and our lives changed beyond recognition.

Nirim community remains united and strong.

We are determined to return home, restore our houses and lives, and transform Nirim into the green piece of paradise that it was before October 7.

The Nirim community is committed to be the pioneer that will lead the revival of the western Negev communities.

Nirim is home.

We need your help to get back home!

 To donate please press here
When you donate, please be sure to mark in the "notes" of the wire "for Kibbutz Nirim"
Your donation through Fundme (by Israelgives) is Tax deductible in Israel and in the USA

   For Bank transfer in Israel:
Please specify "For Kibbutz Nirim" in the transfer details
Name: "Mosdot Chinuch U'Tarbut Brit Tnuah Kibbutzit" (NPO)
Registration No. 580035848
Bank Name: First International Bank of Israel , Bank Code: 31
Branch: 48, Address: 7 Yitzhak Sadeh, Tel Aviv-Ja¬a, 6777508
Account Number: 330272
IBAN: IL880310480000000330272